Development history
Corporate Strategy

China New Town Development Company Limited (SEHK stock code: 1278) (the “Company” or “CNTD”) has been listed by introduction on the main board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited since 22 October 2010.
In March 2014, China Development Bank International Holdings Limited (“CDBIH”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Development Bank Capital Corporation Limited (“CDBC” or “CDB Capital”) completed its subscription for CNTD’s 5,347,921,071 issued shares, and became CNTD’s controlling shareholder...
Development history
The group voluntarily delisting from SGX and become a single listed company on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“HKEX”).
The group adjusted the development of new ideas, completed the disposal of assets and successfully turnaround.
On 6 January 2015, signed the MOU with ICBC (Shanghai) for new credit of aggregate amount up to RMB10 billion for new town project development .
On 28 April 2015, with CDB capital’s credit support. CNTD has successfully issued a 1.3bn CNH bond. This was CNTD's first ever successful bond issuance and one of the biggest CNH deal closed this year
On 28 March 2014, China Development Bank International Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Development Bank Capital Corporation Limited ('CDB Capital'), subscribed 54.3% of the shares of the company at a consideration of HKD1,443,938,689.17. On the same date,the composition of the board re-constituted upon the completion of the transaction that Mr.Fan Haibin was appointed as Chairman of board, Mr. Zuo Kun was appointed as Vice-Chairman of the board, Mr. Liu Heqiang was appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, Mr. Zhang yan was appointed as Non-Executive Director, and Ms. Yang Meiyu and Mr. Ren Xiaowei were appointed as Executive Directors.
On 30 June 2014, signed Yuhuatal Two Bridges project and software valley south park development cooperation framework agreement
On 3 November 2014, entered into Cooperative Investment Agreement and RMB0.49 billion capital contribution to CDB Yuhua
On 31 December 2014, disposal of Wuxi project with consideration of RMB 1,133,905,524
In March 2013, CDBIH has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Company for possible subscription of the Company’s shares, and a supplemental MOU followed by in May. In October, CDBIH and SREI entered into the Subscription Agreement pursuant to which CDBIH has agreed to subscribe for the CDBIH Subscription Shares (being 5,347,921,071 new Shares) at the price of HK$0.27 per CDBIH Subscription Share subject to the terms and conditions contained therein.
The first BMW Masters, part of the European PGA Tournament, was successfully held at the Lake Malaren Golf Club in Luodian New Town. In July 2012, the SRE Group announced to declare a dividend in species to distribute all its shareholding of China New Town to its ultimate shareholders, a process through which China New Town became an independent listed company.
In October 2010, China New Town Development Co. Ltd. was successfully listed on the mainboard of Hong Kong Stock Exchange through listing by introduction, and has been dual-listed on both the mainboard of Singapore and Hong Kong thereafter.
The Compan’s Shanghai Luodian project entered maturity stage, with auctioned land price substantially climbing to record breaking level of RMB 9.12 million per mu. In the same year, China New Town successfully turned around results to profit and declared dividends for the first time.
After a series of corporate restructuring, China New Town Development Co. Ltd. was registered in the British Virgin Island in 2006, becoming the new town development flagship of parent company, the SRE Group. In February 2007, China New Town separately signed cooperative agreements with Wuxi local government and Shenyang local government, after which the Wuxi Hongshan New Town and Shenyang Lixiang New Town commenced operations. In November 2007, China New Town successfully completed its Initial Public Offering for listing on the mainboard of Singapore Stock Exchange.
Construction of key commercial properties at Luodian New Town was completed as scheduled. The Nordic retail street, two 18-holes PGA Standard golf courses and the Lake Malaren Crowne Plaza Hotel all commenced operations.
SGLD held the first ever land auction at the Luodian project, successfully sold three land parcels with combined site area of 261,794 sqm.
The SRE Group signed joint venture agreement with the Shanghai Baoshan District Government regarding the development of the Luodian Nordic New Town, a new town project in Baoshan District of Shanghai with total site area of 6.8 sqkm.. In the same year, the dedicated project company Shanghai Golden Luodian Development Co. Ltd. (“SGLD”) was established.
Corporate Strategy